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NB Table cont’d – Victorian Blackwood

So maybe you don’t go so far as to slide down a steep road on a tabletop or to create small campfires on a tabletop. Try as we all do, inevitably accidents happen through general use and scratches, dings, wear and tear happen. The product still functions as it should, however these new marks from use will devalue the object in most minds. I urge you the consumer, the maker and the designer to consider the function of a product and how it affects the way you live, and more... Read The Rest →

Snake and Step Ladder

This stepladder, made with Mountain Ash, is a unique commission piece designed as a gift for a ‘sweetheart’. “I try to give my sweetheart a commissioned work for her birthday each year…in order to give some meaning to gifts.” The brief requested a snake reference, which I pondered for some time, considering things like the application of snake like textures, colour and even form. I adopted a more lateral solution, in that the structural shape of the library ladder spells out the word snake. “She is afraid of snakes and... Read The Rest →

Hoop Pine Desk – ‘Untitled’

Hoop pine desk with black resin inlay, supported on black powder coated steel legs. Inspired by traditional school desks, its surface hinges open to reveal one compartment of storage and the face slides out offering another storage area in the form of a drawer. The simple shape is accented with the series of lines on desks uppermost surface, these shapes created by carving and filling with a black resin. The Silhouetted images is of powerlines that cross an urban intersection.

Joshua Phillips – Designer / Maker / Circus Performer

In a recent Noddy Boffin photo shoot, I was fortunate to have the acrobatic services of Joshua Phillips to stand in, or more appropriately handstand in, as model for a new series of bench seats. Not only is Josh a circus performer who has completed a diploma of circus arts in New Zealand and trained at the National Institute of Circus Arts, he is also an enthusiastic and talented product designer and maker, operating out of his studio in Melbourne. Josh studied at the Australian National University School of Art in... Read The Rest →

Linger Bench Seat – Spotted Gum

  The ‘Linger’ bench seat has come about through experimentation into doing as little as possible to achieve a functionally successful product. In this case, two pieces of 5mm stainless steel plate, laser cut and folded slightly, a plank of timber with four incisions made across the grain and a length of steel cable to tension the whole assembly together. A sturdy platform to linger a while. See more HERE

Side Table – American Walnut

American Walnut Side Table –  A round top of 500 mm diameter. The tops tapered edge offers a light and delicate aesthetic. A single spindle in the centre that breaks up into a tripod of 3 angled legs. 520 mm height. Photograph: Michael Gordon Hill

Elliot Gorham + Mathew Little @ Fringe Furniture 2012

“Simply, an uncompromising lockable cabinet, which offers a brief vacation from technology dependencies”. Read more HERE OR see Sabbatical Cabinet Its innovation is in its ability to provide you with a simple solution towards modern day technology in which the dominance of communication, entertainment and information advance is notably time consuming.

Sabbatical Cabinet

Sabbatical: Sabbatical or a sabbatical (from Latin sabbaticus, from Greek sabbatikos, from Hebrew shabbat, i.e., Sabbath, literally a “ceasing”) is a rest from work, or a hiatus…. The concept of sabbatical has a source in shmita, described several places in the Bible (Leviticus 25, for example, where there is a commandment to desist from working the fields in the seventh year). In the strict sense, therefore, sabbatical lasts a year. WIKIPEDIA I am quite fortunate to have parents who live and work on a farm in central NSW. Second to... Read The Rest →

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